Custom Trace In Active Ability
This page is a follow-up guide to Custom Trace In Passive Ability. We recommend you to read it before continuing here.
Active Ability Setup
Open your Interact Active ability Blueprint which is inherited from TBIA_GAInteractActive
In the Class Defaults panel, set Trace Start Location Type
to Custom Trace
1 as shown in the image below.
Character Setup
Now open your Player Character class which should inherit from TBIA_GASCharacter
In the MyBlueprint panel on the left side 1, search for Custom Trace for Interact Active Ability.
You can find it under Twisted Bytes | Interaction | Events
Right-click on the function name and select Implement Event 3.
A new Blueprint graph will open to implement the custom logic for this function.
Here we will copy the same logic from what we did previously in Custom Trace In Passive Ability.
Click on Play and hover your mouse over the Interactable Actors in the leve.
Press the interaction button which you chose to bind to trigger the Active ability.
You will see that the Interactable Actors can be picked up as expected.