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Version: 1.7.0

Using Interact Animation Cosmetic

Create Interact Animation Cosmetic

To create an Interact Animation Cosmetic ability, right-click in the Content Browser and select TwistedBytes | Abilities | Interact Animation Cosmetic as shown in the image below.

Name the newly created asset InteractAnimationCosmetic.

Create Interact Animation Cosmetic Ability

Setup Player Character

Open the ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprint and select TBIA Interaction Component in the Components tab 1. In the Details tab, add your InteractAnimationCosmetic ability to the Granted Abilities property 2 as shown in the image below.

Grant Animation Cosmetic Ability

Setup Montage

Open the montage you want to play when interacting with GASActorBase that we created earlier. This montage is only cosmetic which means that there is no loop duration in this animation. Make sure that the slot 1 you are using for your montages in the Animation Blueprint for the ThirdPersonCharacter is the same applied on the montage 2 you want to play when interacting with GASActorBase. Here, we are playing some kind of pickup animation.

Montage Slot

Interactable Actor

Open GasActorBase and override Get Interaction Context, make a struct based on TBIA_InteractionContext. Then set Primary Mesh Montage 1 with the pickup animation montage that we want to play when interacting with GASActorBase.

Make Interaction Context

Go to the Event Graph and navigate to On End Interaction. When this event is triggered on Authority 1, we want to destroy 2 this actor as shown in the image below, simulating an item pickup logic.

End Destroy

Press Play in the Unreal Editor, look at the cube and press the E key which is the Interaction button that we configured earlier. You should now see the pickup montage being played while the GASActorBase was destroyed.
